Second Album in The Works

I'm thrilled to say that I've started working on a new album titled “Kaleidoscope”!  I'd decided when I started “Floodgate of Tears” that I wanted it to be a work of melancholia, something that most of us can relate to at different points of our lives.  I wanted the music to be soft, sad, and haunting and I wanted it to follow it's own flow, in not only genre, but also in Devin Renee's angelic and chilling vocals, and in Drew Campbell's incredible ability to capture the feeling of sorrow and despair through his mournful compositions.  

For “Kaleidoscope” though I decided to do the exact opposite as recently I've started working with another incredible composer, Max Humphrey.  The songs on this album will have music composed by both Drew and Max in different styles both lyrically and musically and will feature different vocalists.  Like a true kaleidoscope with all it's lovely colored pieces of shard glass that make a beautiful and complete picture or pattern, so too will this album portray an array of colorful beauty.  

At the present moment, we have five songs in various stages of dress, getting ready to grace this album with their individual uniqueness.

“Rise Lady, Rise” with Max 

“Like Veronika” with Drew ~ Featuring the vocals of Grant Tuffs

“Until You're Complete” with Max

“There's No Going Back” with Drew ~ Featuring the vocals of Devin Renee and Grant Tuffs

“I'll Always Hide” with Max


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